Analysis & Consulting

We offer in-depth analysis on operational and financial matters relating to your company. From full operational assessments to tactical analysis, we will find opportunities to make your business run more smoothly and cost less. We will analyze your sales process and offer suggestions to enhance revenues.

Outsourced CFO

  • Full financial analysis and advice on the financial conditions of your company. 
  • Bookkeeping: Manage daily transactions 
  • Payroll: Management of payroll and taxes Planning: Reporting and advice to support growth
  • Payables & Receivables: Supplier management

Acquisition and Capital Raising

Wavecrest is always looking for businesses to acquire and operate. We are looking for family run enterprises with principals nearing retirement where we can partner and team with existing owners. Our unique blend of experience offers a path for sustaining successful businesses through a sale. We can also help raise equity for growing businesses that need it.


When should I contact Wavecrest?

  As you start to think about the growth and operation of your business, we can become a key partner for you. Advice on growth, operations, sales process, acquisition, and financial condition can all be addressed. We can also discuss your business' legal structure, tax position, and analyze pricing and profit margins. 


What are my options for raising money?

  We will give you impartial advice on raising equity or debt. In addition, we will help you get your financial statements and business plan in order before speaking with investors or banks..